In April, the third edition of the training for Indonesian museum professionals took place in Malang and focused on exhibition narratives and design.
Uitreiking tijdens de European Film Awards ceremonie op 7 december 2019.
Leon Derksen presented the International Programme for Maritime Heritage and the ‘Search for the Kanrin Maru Shipwreck’ in Hokkaido (Japan) as a case study.
Overzicht van MEDIA evenementen en aanwezige vertegenwoordigers
35 projecten met Nederlandse betrokkenheid gesteund voor ruim 24 miljoen euro in 2018
Zes video's die inzicht geven in gesteunde projecten.
DutchCulture and de Balie’s Forum on European Culture started Re:Creating Europe back in 2016. The performance now takes off to Paris and Manchester.
In the run-up to the symposium Artistiek Kompas, Errol Boon wrote an essay on ethical challenges artists face when confronted with artistic censorship.
The second workshop of the programme just took place in Cape Town and focused on the conservation of paper, books and photos.
The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands will participate in a new study on the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, together with its Australian partners.
The proceedings of the Seminar on the Scientific Study and Restoration of 17th-19th centuries Dutch and Flemish Paintings were published.
Op 22 maart 2019 organiseerde het EIF met steun van de EC een seminar over de garantiefaciliteit voor de culturele en creatieve sector
overzicht van MEDIA-gesteunde projecten met Nederlandse partners