2432 gesteunde Europese projecten in 2018
Publieke consultatie van de Europese Commissie. Deadline: 30 september 2019
Een overzicht van de MEDIA-gesteunde films die de komende maanden gaan draaien in de Nederlandse bioscopen en filmtheaters.
Deadlines: 31 oktober en 16 december 2019 (13.00 uur)
The world of animation is ever-expanding and Dutch creatives are assuming a leading role. A conversation with specialists in the sector.
Italy stays what it has always been: an inviting, fertile and inspiring cultural context, especially for the design and performing arts sector.
The annual Embassy Culture Days is one of the most important events for Dutch embassy employees - keeping them up-to-date and inspiring them with new ideas.
De laatste info over Creative Europe en Europe for Citizens, paneldiscussies en meer.
A year on the job is a series of interviews with cultural attachés about their experiences. This edition: Beate Gerlings in Germany.
Ons jaarverslag 2018 staat online. Hierin laten we graag zien welke activiteiten we hebben georganiseerd en wie daarbij betrokken zijn geweest.
A year on the job is a series of interviews with cultural attachés about their experiences. This edition: Friso Wijnen in Paris.
Our seven years' experience with the Matching Fund has allowed us to compile a list of Dutch funds aimed at national and international heritage projects.
A year on the post is a series of interviews with cultural attachés about their experiences. This edition: Janette Verrijzer in Moscow.