Art programme VERVE, presenting Dutch art in Belgium, is a plea for slowing down and sets an example for future art programmes.
The seminar was organised on February 18 ahead of the upcoming state visit and was attended by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander and Her Majesty Queen Máxima.
Music Moves Europe: Europese cocreatie en coproductie | Muziekeducatie | Samenwerkingsprojecten met Westelijke Balkan
Dutch-language pop music is making a comeback, as is shown by the programming at Noorderslag and Dutch exports to Belgium.
On 2 February 2020, the new Schengen Visa Code has come into force for everyone looking to apply for a short-stay Schengen Visa.
Deadline: 1 april 2020
This year Hermitage Amsterdam is celebrating its tenth anniversary with several projects, including the educational project Museum 15/24.
South African and Dutch partners work together to research and share knowledge on shared heritage in South Africa.
The second part of an extensive research into the development of civil infrastructure in Suriname has now been published.
Agreements have been made about future cooperation on documentary heritage of the Brazilian colonial period.
South Africa and the Netherlands work together on the preservation, digitisation and presentation of archival collections on their shared history.
Traces of Slavery and Colonial History in the Art Collection of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
On 19 January, almost 300 people gathered for a festive presentation of the book ‘Dutch Fortress in Rostov Veliky’.
A carefully restored Blaeu globe (1647) was presented in Moscow to journalists and heritage experts on 28 January.
Britse organisaties kunnen in ieder geval tot het eind van dit jaar financiering blijven aanvragen.
Een overzicht van naderende deadlines
Meld je aan voor 14 februari