Open Call for Curious Encounters 3 at Earthwise

Earthwise AiR, Denmark
Earthwise AiR, Denmark
Courtesy of Earthwise

Open Call for Curious Encounters 3 at Earthwise

For Curious Encounters 3 they are looking for performing artists and visual artists with an interest in time-based work and performance

Earthwise Residency is a year-round invitation to spend time with the living land at a place where art and research intertwine. Relations, care, and the interconnectedness of all is what is important here. These basic principles can be found in all their activities: The food they grow and eat, the reused furniture and materials, and the way the volunteers are part of the ongoing work with animals and land. The artists and researchers who come here work with themes such as regenerative practices, interspecies relations, sustainability, and interdisciplinary meetings, etc.

Earthwise Residency has invited artists and researchers for several years, and has previously hosted Curious Encounters 1 & 2 during 2023 with great success.

The more-than-human is the focus of the two Curious Encounters at Earthwise, because we think that more interdisciplinary work is needed in this fast-growing and important field. We believe that the climate emergency is caused by the industrialized societies having forgotten that Planet Earth is not just ‘resources’ for humans to utilize and grab, but a shared home, with no alternatives.Collaborations across science and art can propose new ways – or highlight the wisdom of old ways – to coexist with and understand other species / the more-than-human.Earthwise Residency focuses on practices and research, which heightens our sensitivity, knowledge, and methods for consciously reweaving our human lives with the myriad of relations and interdependencies we all rely on. We are interested in communication with the living world and the animal kingdom, and in developing creative work that situates and enhances curiosity and intimacy – encounters -with the more-than-human, while at the same time exploring corresponding academic research through artistic lenses.The two residencies Curious Encounters is one of our active contributions to the paradigm shifts happening these years. We believe that interdisciplinary meetings – the meeting and mixing of aesthetics, art expressions, humanities, and sciences – hold the possibility to foster new thoughts, rediscover ancient knowledge as well as new paths for action.

For Curious Encounters 3 they are looking for performing artists and visual artists with an interest in time-based work and performance who already have an initial contact to or an ongoing collaboration with a researcher. Applicants must have a genuine interest in interdisciplinary approaches – and their innate challenges – and preferably some experience of working with the-more-than-human.

— The researcher/specialist should be actively engaged in research processes and hold a master’s degree, preferably a Ph.D. degree. The researcher/specialist may have a background in the Humanities, Social Sciences or STS (Science & Technology Studies).
— The artist must investigate the more-than-human through primarily visual or performing arts. We encourage both emerging/upcoming artists as well as mid-career artists to apply.

Both residents must
— have turned 18.
— be able to travel to Denmark without any need of VISA / from the Schengen area (more info on their website)
— be legal resident of one of the 40 Creative Europe Countries.
— we may prioritise artists and researchers who do not reside in Denmark due to funding requirements (more info below).
But age, gender, sexuality or race has no impact on the selection process and we aim to curate with awareness of diversity.

If you are unsure whether you meet the criteria for the residency, or have further queries or questions, please email Natasja (info_at_earthwise_dot_dk).

Earthwise provides

Working space (writing tables, as well as a small studio space, and lots of outdoor space) * Accommodation in private rooms in a house shared with Earthwise volunteers * Working space (writing tables, as well as a small studio space, and lots of outdoor space) * Space for partners/children can be negotiated * Access to a rich library w/ relevant titles * Access to the other facilities of Earthwise * Mentoring or consultations with Earthwise’s host, Christine Fentz, and possibly other respondents * A stipend of 4.700 € for each of the two persons * A small budget for materials.

They’ll cover parts of your travel costs to encourage you to travel by road, railway, or sea. Earthwise has a consequent and friendly approach to sustainable choices, including travel means and advise you to choose options with a smaller CO2-footprint.
Should air travel be unavoidable they encourage you to support a trustworthy tree planting project (they can recommend some, in DK, UK and Canada).
The transport funding will be allocated based on transport type and distance. As long as the residents save their tickets and receipts, Earthwise will refund parts of the travel costs, post-stay.
They will also provide you with a letter of invitation that should assist you in crossing borders as well as applying for travel grants.

The application is online with a deadline August 15th 2024, 23.59 (Danish time/CET).

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