17 February to 16 March 2025
Paid by host:

What IWW Provides:

  • Roundtrip economy class airfare;
  • Accommodation on HKBU’s campus for 4 weeks;
  • A per diem
Application guidelines:

Application Requirements:

  • 1-page, single-spaced Artist’s Statement in English or Chinese describing your work and your writing goals for the IWW Writers-in-Residence Programme. If your statement is composed in Chinese, please provide a 1-paragraph summary in English;
  • 12-15 pages of recent work, such as creative nonfiction, digital writing, drama, fiction, graphic forms, libretti, or poetry. Please provide an English or a Chinese translation of your work if your original work is not in English nor Chinese;
  • A CV or resume;
  • Contact information, including the e-mail addresses, of two referees; and
  • All application materials should be in 12-point type with 1-inch margins.

Please send your application materials as a single PDF to [email protected] by 31 August 2024. Applicants will be notified of the results by late October 2024.


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International Writers’ Workshop (IWW) Hong Kong Baptist University

International Writers’ Workshop (IWW) Hong Kong Baptist University


Founded in 2004, the International Writers’ Workshop (IWW) at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) has hosted over 140 writers from more than 55 countries. They invite applications from interested writers to join the 2025 Writers-in-Residence Programme from 17 February to 16 March 2025. The programme will culminate in the IWW Literary Festival with the theme of “Crossroads.” Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to address how their work connects to our theme.

● Writers must have at least one published book;
● Currently reside outside of Hong Kong;
● Have a functional command of English or Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese).

A publicly-funded university that prioritizes Creative Media and Practice, HKBU is the only university in Hong Kong with all the following research and teaching areas: Creative Writing, Film and Screen Studies, Literary Studies, Music, Translation Theory and Practice, and Visual Arts. One of the few residency programmes for writers in Asia, IWW remains a long-standing part of HKBU’s commitment to the literary arts.


Participate in the Literary Festival during the final week. Writers are encouraged to share a
piece of writing in conversation with the Literary Festival’s theme.

Contact information

Hongkong SAR van China

iww [at]