We are exploring new forms of hospitality through cross-sectoral exchanges on 16 June 2023 in Amsterdam.
An exploration of the needs, challenges and practices of welcoming and hosting forcibly displaced artists and art workers.
The European Commission rolls out a new €21 million mobility scheme for artists and cultural professionals.
The European Commission rolls out a new €21 million mobility scheme for artists and cultural professionals.
TaNDem invites Dutch and German artists from the border region to pitch their ideas for cultural cooperation.
Nieuwe tendensen in de internationale culturele ambities van de vier grote steden: een verkenning van het beleid voor 2021-2024.
Hoe vraag je Europese subsidies aan? Hoe vind je speellocaties in China? Makers met internationale ambities kwamen naar DutchCulture on Tour: Editie Brabant.
How to prevent cosmopolitanism from becoming rootless in a globalised age?
Art programme VERVE, presenting Dutch art in Belgium, is a plea for slowing down and sets an example for future art programmes.
Dutch-language pop music is making a comeback, as is shown by the programming at Noorderslag and Dutch exports to Belgium.
Margot Llompart has been working in the field of international arts and culture for years, fulfilling a variety of roles in different parts of the world.
Verve* is an art programme in which nine Dutch or Netherlands-based artists visit Belgium to look for new perspectives on societal questions.
From now on, anyone can easily overview all Dutch cultural activities abroad. The database contains over 5500 profiles that can be searched and contacted.
DutchCulture organiseerde in samenwerking met deBuren een internationale conferentie in Antwerpen over de kracht van kunst en creatieven in de stad.
How DutchCulture’s brand new database can bring international collaboration between people forward.
Kunnen kunstenaars een stad of wijk leefbaarder maken? Verslag van 'Wegwijzers van de Tussenruimte'; een denkdag over de verbindende kracht van creatieven.