Open Call for artists: C:L.A.C. Creative Living Lab


Open Call for artists: C:L.A.C. Creative Living Lab

CALL for an 18-day artist residency in San Potito Sannitico (CE). The residency includes a fee of €1500 plus accommodation and workspace.

C:L.A.C. Living Lab is a project based on an integrated approach that aims to harmonise the needs of local people, businesses, and the territory to redesign innovative, sustainable rural environments. It is not only about rediscovering the materials at their origin but also about recovering a circular vision of living, in which rural areas act as incubators for sustainable development, capable of activating processes of knowledge and care of the territory and re-evaluating the resources that have been traditionally underused or marginalised. Therefore, participating artists are encouraged to:

  • Create site-specific artworks that place the territory and its environment at the center.
  • Use sustainable materials such as organic matter, natural fibres or recycled materials available locally.
  • Collaborate with the local community through participatory activities and/or establish a dialogue with the territory.

Applications are open for local and international artists for 4 residencies spanning two sessions: June 27th - July 15th and August 20th - September 6th, 2024 (2 artists per period).

Selected artists will receive:

  • Accommodation in the village for 18 days;
  • Workspace;
  • €1,500 for a fee and travel expenses;
  • €200 for food expenses;
  • Materials to be defined during the project-sharing phase

Application deadline: March 17, 2024, 11:00 PM CET

Send an email to [email protected] with the subject: 'CLL Residency Application'. Include a single PDF file containing:

  • Short biography (max. 200 words);
  • Portfolio of previous works (text and images, max. 5 pages);
  • Project description (max. 2 pages);
  • Specify the period in which you want to undertake the residency (First Period: June 27th - July 15th, Second Period: August 20th - September 6th, 2024).
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