2 or 4 weeks
Paid by host:

Housing and meals plus a stipend.

Paid by artist:
  • Travel to the residency
  • Materials needed in residency
Application guidelines:

The application is online, there is an application fee of Fee (USD): $25.00,

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Monson Arts

Monson Arts


Monson Arts is a residency and workshop program in Monson, Maine. An initiative of Maine’s Libra Foundation, Monson Arts began programming in 2018. It was started as a way to spur economic development in Piscataquis County. Monson, the last town before the 100 Mile Wilderness on the Appalachian Trail, was the home of photographer Berenice Abbott, painter Carl Sprinchorn, and was a center for slate quarrying and furniture making.
Monson Arts’ mission is to provide time and space for creative work. This is done through a combination of residencies, workshops, community/school programs and initiatives, and exhibitions.

Monson Arts’ residency program supports emerging and established artists and writers by providing them time and space to devote to their creative practices. During each of the 2-week and 4-week programs throughout the year, a cohort of 5 artists and 5 writers are invited to immerse themselves in small town life at the edge of Maine’s North Woods and focus intensely on their work within a creative and inspiring environment. They receive a private studio, private bedroom in shared housing, all meals, and $500 stipend ($250 for 2-week programs). The Abbott Watts Residency for Photography offers access to the photography studio and darkroom of Todd Watts in nearby Blanchard, adjacent to the former home of Berenice Abbott.

Applications for a residency at Monson Arts are open to anyone at any stage of their career, working in visual arts, writing, and related fields (i.e. audio, video, photography, woodworking, movement, screen and playwrights). Open calls for residency applications currently take place 3 times throughout the year with deadlines on January 15, May 15, and September 15. Each application period corresponds to specific residency offerings 3-6 months out.

Residents’ studios are located in newly renovated Main Street buildings that have been designed specifically for visual artists and writers. All of the studio spaces are outfitted to be as flexible as possible so that we can accommodate a variety of creative practices. The visual arts studios are spacious and light-filled with large work tables and sinks. Shelving and portable storage carts are available as needed. Access is available to woodshop and metal shop facilities in nearby buildings for any fabrication needs. The writing studios are comfortably furnished with work tables, office chairs, bookshelves, and reading chairs. For those working in time and sound based media: apply to the Writing category if quiet contemplation would be best for your project or the Visual Arts category if you need room and the opportunity to make and play sounds out loud.

Residents live in newly renovated historic homes throughout town, within walking distance to studios and everything that downtown Monson has to offer. These are mostly 3 bedroom structures that are fully furnished and comfortable all four seasons of the year. Houses all have shared kitchens, bathrooms, and common areas with laundry machines, telephone, and other amenities as well. Wifi is available in all of the buildings through high speed fiberoptic service.

  • No requirements of production
  • Work share during the residency
  • Open Studio even
Studio Information

Residents’ studios are in newly renovated Main Street buildings that have been designed specifically for visual artists and writers. All our studio spaces are outfitted to be as flexible as possible so that they can accommodate a variety of creative practices.

  • Visual: Visual arts studios are spacious and light-filled with large worktables and utility sinks. Shelving and portable storage carts are available as needed. These studios are suitable for performance artists using movement, audio, or installation work.
  • Writing: The writing studios are comfortably furnished with worktables, office chairs, bookshelves, and reading chairs. This building perches over Lake Hebron for amazing views.
Accommodation Information

Artists are housed in renovated homes built in the 1860-1920's. Each artist has their own bedroom with shared kitchen and bath. One building is wheelchair accessible.

Technical Information

Equipment available is limited. The Abbott Watts Resident has access to a private studio with large scale analog and digital photography equipment. All artists have access to a wood shop and metal shop.

Contact information

PO Box 67
Monson, ME
United States

director [at]