English, Danish
1-3 months
Paid by host:

The residency workshop facilities listed in the studio description.

Paid by artist:

Accommodation, meals, materials.

Application guidelines:
Ongoing; Minimum 1 month before the desired period

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Det Vilde Spinderi

Det Vilde Spinderi

Det Vilde Spinderi Residency

This residency program offers a unique opportunity for artists and creatives to immerse themselves in a supportive and inspiring environment. The organisers believe in fostering a community of collaboration and innovation.

Det Vilde Spinderi boasts a spacious 180-square-meter area that houses both a showroom and exhibition facilities within the workshop. One of the unique features of this residency is the opportunity to work with locally sourced wool. Engage in the entire process, from freshly sheared wool to washing, carding, and spinning. Discover the versatility of wool as a medium and explore how this specialized knowledge can enhance and influence your artistic practice.

Through the residency program, participants have access to dedicated studio space where they can engage with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and gain new perspectives. The program is designed to encourage experimentation and growth, providing the time and space for artists to develop their practice. By supporting emerging talent and fostering a culture of creativity, the aim is to contribute significantly to the artistic landscape.


The outcome of this residency program for participants is a transformative experience that enriches their artistic journey in multiple ways. Participation in the residency program offers artists and designers exposure to a wider audience through exhibitions, events, and online platforms. This increased visibility can help them build their reputation, attract new audiences, and potentially secure future opportunities for showcasing their work.

Participating artists and designers may have the opportunity to engage with the local community through workshops, outreach programs, or collaborative projects. This community engagement fosters connections between artists and the wider community, enriching both parties through shared experiences and mutual learning. Overall, the outcome of the residency program extends beyond the physical production of art or design work to encompass professional development, networking, exposure, cultural exchange, personal growth, and community engagement.

Studio Information

The facilities include workshops for wet felting and natural dyeing, a textile workshop with looms, sewing machines, an embroidery machine, knitting machines, needle felting, and a tufting workshop.

Accommodation Information

At Det Vilde Spinderi, they are committed to providing the residents with not only a creative workspace but also comfortable living accommodations. They are pleased to collaborate with K12, conveniently located just a 10-minute walk from the workshop.

K12 is a charming old house, with a cozy atmosphere and creative milieu, offering the residents a warm and inspiring environment to relax and rejuvenate after a day's work. K12 houses several rooms, a large 1-3 person room, 2 guestrooms and a guesthouse with kitchenette.


The beautiful landscape of Odsherred is a sight to behold. The entire region has been designated a UNESCO Global Geopark due to its Ice Age landscape and the reclaimed Lammefjord's crucial cultural and historical significance. Odsherred's unique geology thus forms the basis for cultural, social, and economic development.

Contact information

Det Vilde Spinderi
Havnevej 2
Nykøbing Sjælland 4500

lindanyvang [at]