English, Italian
4 weeks
Paid by host:

Accommodation & studio spaces. Utilities & administrative costs, internet access.

Paid by artist:

 300 Euros/month per person. Residents are responsible for their travel, work materials, food and personal expenses during the residency.

Application guidelines:

The residencies are intended as development opportunities for professional artists. Artistic merit is the basis for all selections. Proposals for self-directed creative residencies must be compatible with the location and the available workspaces, facilities and resources. Application can be made online only. No applications via email. Application requirements:

  • Application form.
  • Current resume of maximum 2 pages.
  • 10 work samples: images, audio clips and/or URLs to video (depending on discipline) of your work created in the last three years.
  • Provide image details for each image file (title of work, date executed, media and dimensions). Add any brief narrative necessary to inform the jury about each individual work.
  • A 500-word project proposal, stating reasons for the application and a description of the project you’d like to do during the residency.
  • 20 Euro application fee.

Accepted applicants must be able to speak and understand English. For more specific information on application requirements please visit the website.

The deadline varies. Please visit their website.

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33 Officina Creativa

33 Officina Creativa


33OC Artist in Residency program is a community & space where international artists can share places, experiences and sensibilities. The aim of the residency is to challenge perceptions about how Art is made and integrated in everyday life by devising unconventional scenarios for introducing ideas into the public realm.

The residency is conceived of as a regenerative intercultural meeting place, aimed particularly at international artists who are enthusiastic about working within the Toffia environment, and who are energetic about making connections in this context. The residency is an opportunity for artists to confront new ideas or experiment with their work and the particular territory of Sabina region. We wish to improve artists’ ability to pay attention to constructed and natural environment, eventually, to find new ways of interaction between art, society and the territory. The residency is open to individual artists at any stage of their professional career, working in visual arts, photography, film & video, media arts, performing arts, music and literature. We are particularly interested in artists interested in engaging the local community and/or working with the particular cultural and geographic characteristics of Toffia and Sabina region.

At the beginning of the residency artists will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to the community and fellow artists with an informal presentation of their previous work. Each residency period concludes with an Open Studios day.


Located in Toffia, a small and quiet medieval hilltop village in the middle of Sabina, about 60km NE of Rome, and is hosted within a renovated 13th Century church/theatre building, which also hosts various cultural activities for the community (theater, film screenings, concerts and various classes.)

Contact information

Piazza Lauretana 3
02039 Toffia RI

33officinacreativa [at]