Residency program to support the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene in times of crisis


Residency program to support the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene in times of crisis

A residency program that will organize 57 residencies: 24 in Palestine and 33 in France.

In a context of acute crisis affecting harshly the Palestinian cultural scene, the French Institute of Jerusalem has partnered with Palestinian and French counterparts to design a residency program that will organize 57 residencies (24 in Palestine and 33 in France).

This program is a continuation of the French Institute of Jerusalem long-standing action in the artistic residency field.


It aims to support Palestinian artists with diverse profiles in terms of disciplines, generations, and geographical origins. Its goal is to accompany them in the development of a research and creation project in all sectors of contemporary creation.


A first call for applications has been published in spring 2024 for 3-month residencies to be carried out at Palestinian cultural institutions venues and taking place between July and December 2024.

A second call for applications is now open for 3 to 6-month residencies in France to be carried out at French cultural institutions venues and will take place between January 2025 and December 2025.


For those who applied or took part in the first call, they can also reapply and take part in this second call.


This document constitutes the call for applications for the 3 to 6-month residencies in French cultural institutions between January and December 2025.


For whom

This program is aimed at Palestinian artists of all disciplines (visual arts, performing arts, music, writing, and cinema) residing in Jerusalem or the West Bank or originally from Gaza and living abroad, to enable them to maintain a creative activity. In particular, it seeks to promote the diversity of Palestinian artists’ profiles, whether emerging or established, with an emphasis on the diversity of social and geographical contexts.

Exhibition curators are also welcome to apply.



▪ Current or habitual residence in Jerusalem or the West Bank or originally from Gaza and having left Gaza after January 2023 (regardless of current place of residence) 

▪ Artistic proven practice and professional experience in the relevant artistic field 

▪ Proficiency in English and/or French 

▪ No age limit 

Residency location

Projects proposed by applicants must necessarily align with the artistic line of the hosting organization. Applicants are invited to read carefully each host institution presentation, so as to be able to formulate their project in line with the cultural project of the residency venue (main discipline, theme addressed, technical resources required, etc.). On the application form, applicants are asked to indicate their order of preference among the possible residencies. Up to 3 choices (maximum) must be numbered in order of preference.



The program includes:

▪ Travel expenses for the laureate (round trip ticket to France + internal transportation in Palestine and France + travel insurance + visa fees),

▪ A living allowance of 1,000 € per month, 

▪ Accommodation and workspace provided by the partner during the residency
Depending on the partner’s capacity, the artist may be accompanied by a partner and children if he/she wishes so. The program does not cover any expenses related to the latter’s mobility and stay. 

▪ Accompanying expenses and/or production grant for a total amount of 2,500 €.

This amount will be managed by the hosting institution, and its use will be decided by mutual agreement with the artist according to the needs they express in relation with their project.

The host institution will provide professional support for the artist during the residency (mentoring, advice) and will put the artist in touch with local and national cultural players and professionals involved in contemporary creation. The resident will be invited to present their project and needs to the partner before and at the very beginning of the residency.

If possible and agreed by the artist, a public presentation/restitution session may be organized during or at the end of the residency. Expenses will be covered by the host institution.



The selection process will be coordinated by the French Institute of Jerusalem, in collaboration with the program partners.

The French Institute of Jerusalem receives applications and assesses their eligibility.

Selection committees by disciplines will be organized. They will be composed of representatives from French and Palestinian program partners. In addition to evaluating the professional background of the applicant, particular attention will be paid to the quality of the project, the connection of the project with the host structure, and the proposed work protocol. The final selection of the resident artist will be made by the partner who will host the residency, out of a short-list established by the selection committee.

The committees will pay particular attention to gender parity among the selected applicants, as well as to the diversity of social and geographical contexts.



Submission of applications: from July 10th to August 20th, 2024 

▪ Announcement of results: mid-October 

Residency dates: 3 to 6 months between January 2025 and December 2025 


Applications are made via the online form, which you can access by clicking on this link.

To submit your application, you must:

Complete the online form using the following information:

▪ Project holder: general information about the artist 

▪ Project description: project title, brief presentation of the residency project, objectives and expected results, preferred host structures in order of preference based on the project alignment with the residency host institution (up to a maximum of 3 choices), artist’s availability during the proposed residency periods 

▪ Partners: information about any contacts and partnerships established with French and/or Palestinian artists and/or professionals
Upload the following documents: 

▪ A Curriculum Vitae 

▪ An artistic dossier/portfolio 

▪ A project presentation note that the applicant wishes to develop in connection with the chosen host structure (maximum 3 pages) 

Optional: links to video, audio files representative of your work 

More info and contact details read the complete document here.

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