AGA LAB Amsterdam call for artists

Aga Lab
Aga Lab
Aga Lab

AGA LAB Amsterdam call for artists

Find here a very wide range of printing techniques, technical expertise, a spacious gym as a workplace.

The Artist in Residence (AiR) program of AGA LAB offers a special context for research, experimenting and the development of new work: a very wide range of printing techniques, technical expertise, a spacious gym as a workplace, exchange with (inter)national colleagues, the non-toxic method, an urban agricultural garden with ink plants and many creative neighbours.


The mission within the AiR program: AGA LAB stimulates research and experimentation in the field of ink, colour and image carriers, as well as crossovers between other disciplines materials and techniques.


Both national and international artists and designers can register for the Artist in Residence program.


AGA LAB regularly invites artists with a specific research proposal. Artists, designers and photographers are also encouraged to submit a project proposal to AGA LAB themselves.


The two AiR guest rooms are located in the artist’s space Broedplaats BOUW, where the studio is also located.


As an AiR, you have 24 hours access to the workplace as well as access to the joint AGA LAB kitchen.


The costs* per month are:

  • € 1.450,– for the large room (30 m², see pictures below);
  • € 1.250,– for the small room (20 m² , see pictures below);
  • € 675,– for a duo residency without a room;
  • € 450,– for a residency without a room.

*Cost of materials are not included in the price of the residency and should be covered by the artist.


Download the registration form for an AiR program here and send it to [email protected].


When you sign up, your name and portfolio will be added to the list of candidates assessed by their AiR support team. The assessment committee meets every three months: January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15.


For more information read here Aga Lab website

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